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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Download Facebook Albums Easily

Download all your Facebook albums with this easy to use online application, Facebook2Zip is a free web implement that lets you download all your Facebook albums to your computer in ZIP format. You won't have to transport the pictures one by one and moreover this process is not time absorbing at all.

Here is a step by step lead on how to download your Facebook albums in ZIP format.

Now click on Login with Facebook button on the page and log in your Facebook. Then click the allow  button.

The popup will be closed. Now select the albums which you are craving to download. You can also download public albums of your friends or albums shared with you.

Now Click upon the download button upon the page. Wait for the website to create ZIP file for you and and then download the file to wherever you desire.
You are done.

Take Note:

Hold CRTL KEY and select multiple albums to process and download multiple albums at the same time.

Go to Facebook2Zip application and start downloading albums.

Don't forget to logout after using the application or before you close the window.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.

