1.Press windows icon + R (Run Program) -for windows XP
Type CMD in searchbox - for windows 7 and vista
2.Type the following code (objective select one)
shutdown -s -t (no. in seconds)
*-s is the direct for shutdown
*-t order is for specifying the time when it will shut down (no. in seconds)
*there is a space between -t and no. of seconds to shutdown
Example command in cmd, type without quotation
"-s -t 4000"
The command will shutdown the pc after 4000 seconds
shutdown -r -t (no. in seconds)
*-r is for performing a restart operation
*there is a space between -t and no. of seconds to shutdown
shutdown -a
*-a is for cancelling shutdown
3.Press enter
1.New --> Text Document
2.Type the following codes (lovely select one)
shutdown -s -t (no. in seconds)
*-s is the expense for shutdown
*-t price is for specifying the time when it will shut down (no. in seconds)
*there is a space between -t and no. of seconds to shutdown
shutdown -r -t (no. in seconds)
*-r is for performing a restart operation
*there is a space between -t and no. of seconds to shutdown
shutdown -a
*-a is for cancelling shutdown
3.File --> Save As--> Filename.bat
4.Open the file whenever you craving to begin/efface the timer
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